Self loving

At the age of 20, all around me I can see people who proclaim to be in love, people of different ages, different cultures and different points in their lives. Many people around the world will tell you that finding the person who understands you truly and completes you is the one, but what about all these relationships who end early or those that last years upon years before eventually the two-people deciding they aren’t right for each other. Love is a very sensitive topic, and a lot of people from all different situations will give you different definitions as to what love is, and here is mine.

Personally, I have encountered a lot of different types of ways to love, to begin with, the love you show your family, the unspoken, unconditional true type of love; then there is the kind of love you show to material things, things you can’t do without, and finally there is the love you show to an almost stranger, the way this one person becomes everything you are about completes you. I have reasons to believe these are types of love and each have their own way to outlay their love.

One type of love a lot of young people are afraid to show is self-love; these people are fearful of the labels associated with loving yourself. People everywhere will label you as egotistical, vain or even narcissistic when you display even the smallest amounts of self-love, however those are the same people who will turn around and laugh at your imperfections. Ever since I prioritised myself and learned to live a life full of self-love, I have lost many so-called friends who now could not target me for things I once hated. Losing these people was a blessing in disguise; subtract the negativity, add the love, multiply the success.

As important as self-love is, having the right support around you is just as important, family and the right friends are vital when you look to achieve anything. You don’t choose your family, but you can choose to support your family.

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